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Your Body, Your Choice: Considerations for Keeping your Body at Home vs in a Funeral Home

Alina Reed

Updated: Mar 25, 2024

In our distant past, the ordinary practice was for people to die at home and for their bodies to remain there until they were ultimately laid to rest. However, with the rise of new technologies, hospitals, funeral home services, and assisted living or care facilities, trends have shifted. Consequently, people now have a choice between having their deceased bodies cared for at home, or instead utilising funeral home services. In this blog, we will explore the points that you may need to consider in making an informed decision about this.

Hands laing on top of pink and white flowers
Staying at home or a funeral home, which is your preference?

Personal and Family Considerations

Firstly, you will need to think about which option you feel more comfortable with. Would it bring you peace to know that your body will be kept in the familiarity of your own home where you will be surrounded by your family members? Or would you feel that your dignity would be best preserved by entrusting your body into the hands of professionals at a funeral home? Additionally, you may want to consider the preferences of your loved ones. Some families prefer an option that provides a greater sense of involvement in the funeral process and may appreciate having their deceased loved one close by in a private setting where they can grieve without distraction. Other families may find the presence of the body in the home distressing and may prefer the more traditional setting of a funeral home.


Choosing where your body will be kept prior to your funeral also involves some practical considerations relating to transportation, hygiene, and preservation. For instance, if you opt not to use funeral home services, your loved ones may be tasked with arranging the transportation, cleaning, and refrigeration of your body. As such, they may require access to equipment or supplies such as ice packs, portable air conditioners, towels, or adult diapers. Alternatively, they may need to engage a professional to help with your care and hygiene needs. A funeral home service, on the other hand, will already have the equipment, expertise, and facilities to accommodate for all these requirements.


Depending on where you live, there may be legal requirements that impact on whether and how your body may be kept at your home. For example, some countries require embalming if a body is to be kept at a private residence. As such, you may have to research any legal requirements to ensure that your family can follow them if your body is to stay at home. Conversely, if you opt to engage a funeral home service, the responsibility for meeting any legal requirements will fall to them.

Culture and Religion

In deciding whether to keep your deceased body at home, you may want to make allowances for any relevant cultural or religious traditions. In some cultures and religions, it is important that a body be kept at home for a wake or vigil prior to the final interment. Other cultures or religions may prohibit embalming and prioritise burying the body as soon as possible after death. If you are unsure on this point, you may wish to discuss your options with your community, and your spiritual or religious leaders.

Associated Costs

Lastly, it is important to factor in any potential costs that may be involved. For instance, funeral home services may be more expensive, as their packages include a range of things, from caring for the body, to refrigeration, storage, and transportation. However, different funeral homes have different price points, so doing some research and comparing these can help to reduce the associated costs. Some funeral homes may also offer payment plans that will allow you to pay these costs off over time. If you opt to keep your body at home, the services of a professional embalmer may still be required, and you may need to hire or buy refrigeration equipment. Additionally, your loved ones may have to take more leave from work to care for your body or engage a professional to assist with your care requirements. As such, we recommend carefully weighing up the costs associated with each option before making a decision on where to keep your body.

Your Body, Your Choice

In short, there are many considerations that factor into the decision between keeping your body at home or opting to engage the services of a funeral home. Since you now have a firm grasp of these considerations, you are perfectly positioned to start considering your options, gather any necessary additional information, and make an informed decision that feels right for you and your loved ones. My Final Farewell.

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